Nadec ch 13: Comfort food

Previously: After saving Pagewyn several times, from xlurps, blurghs, and an exploding couch, Nadec decides to stick with him until he’s back in his kingdom, Paralelo. He shows her why he is ‘the master of the Squares, defender of the Triangles, chief of all Lines’. A darkness rams Nadec while alone in the woods and sheContinueContinue reading “Nadec ch 13: Comfort food”


Nausea assaulted his senses. His head went down automatically, close to the ground until the feeling subsided. Teleporting still did that to him. It felt like the way driving in a car made his stomach twist. With a little grunt he shook his head. No time for that now. Where is it? There! So closeContinueContinue reading “Wanting”

Child of Destruction

With a few shrugs and shakes, the fresh skin settled around her muscles. It felt unfamiliar. That’s not uncommon, yet this time the sensation was more awkward. She looked down and saw that her breasts were gone. Instead, two small nipples buried in a mass of curly black hair stared back at her. She stampedContinueContinue reading “Child of Destruction”

Nadec ch 12: Clothes

Previously: After saving Pagewyn several times, from xlurps, blurghs, and an exploding couch, Nadec decides to stick with him until he’s back in his kingdom, Paralelo. He shows her why he is ‘the master of the Squares, defender of the Triangles, chief of all Lines’. A darkness rams Nadec while alone in the woods and sheContinueContinue reading “Nadec ch 12: Clothes”


The ground shook. Stabilising herself by bending her knees and jutting her arms open, she looked around. Mierann was still surrounded by grass, the blades towering over her, closely together, each only about 5 of her steps away from each other. The ground kept shaking at a regular interval now. She did not like this.ContinueContinue reading “Protector”

Interludes 4: current and future projects

As of today, three blogposts a week can be expected. Most sundays will be reserved for a next chapter of Nadec, the continuing flash fiction story. Tuesdays and Thursdays are for other and even shorter flash fiction stories. Also occasionally an interludes post, like this one, where in an update about the projects and blogsContinueContinue reading “Interludes 4: current and future projects”

The box

The sounds outside of the box are loud, a constant cheering and deeper rumbling. I itch to move sideways a few steps but there’s no room. The weight on top of my back shifts and settles. I trample in place a few times in anticipation of what’s to come. I toss my head up threeContinueContinue reading “The box”

Lost in times past

The bus stop was almost as empty as her school bag, which had merely a few pens and the notebook for the final exam’s course content. She’d done bad on the previous ones but she knew this one she could pass. The unfamiliar confidence in that knowledge made her uncomfortable. Anxiety about having any confidenceContinueContinue reading “Lost in times past”

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